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Hugo Hogenbirk

Hugo Hogenbirk is working on the history of ideas and philosophy and is currently employed at the faculty of Religion, Culture and Society in Groningen. He combines the history of ideas with an interest in the digital, for example, by analyzing old texts on the use of certain words. He enjoys looking at the complex philosophical structures that have been built by thinkers throughout history.

Martijn Boven

Martijn Boven is verbonden aan het Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte aan de Universiteit Leiden en aan de Kunstacademie Minerva in Groningen, waar hij colleges verzorgt in esthetica, filosofische antropologie en metafysica. Zijn proefschrift is getiteld Metaphor and Metamorphosis: Paul Ricoeur and Gilles Deleuze on the Emergence of Novelty en in zijn verdere onderzoek continueert hij de hier ingezette lijn, waarbij hij vooral geïnteresseerd is in de verstrengeling van esthetische en ontologische vraagstukken.

Tatiana Llaguno

Tatiana Llaguno is a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen. She received her PhD with distinction from the New School for Social Research in New York. Her dissertation, titled Freedom in Dependence: A Critical Theory of our Dependent Condition, was awarded the Hannah Arendt Dissertation Award. Her research areas include 19th-century European philosophy (esp. Hegel and Marx), social and political philosophy, critical theory, feminist theory and environmental ethics and politics.

Daphne Brandenburg

Daphne Brandenburg is an assistant professor in Ethics and Political Philosophy at the University of Groningen. In her work she critically analyses how contemporary research in psychology and cognitive science has bearing on ethical questions about autonomy, responsibility, and moral emotions.

Nacht van de Filosofie

Op 19 april vult het Forum Groningen zich met filosofische kwesties en alledaagse vragen, filosofen en visionairs tijdens de Groningse Nacht van de Filosofie.


On April 19th, the Forum will be filled with philosophical issues and everyday questions, philosophers and visionaries during the Groningen Night of Philosophy.

Nacht van de Filosofie